Leadership in Aboriginal teacher education

Congratulations to Associate Professor Cathie Burgess, who has been named Australian Teacher Education Association 2024 Teacher Educator of the Year.

Cathie is a lecturer and researcher in Aboriginal Studies and Education, Aboriginal Community Engagement, Learning from Country and Leadership in Aboriginal Education programs at the Sydney School of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney.

Cathie Burgess

Her award recognises the Learning from Country courses Cathie has implemented at The University of Sydney, which were the basis of the Culturally Nourishing Schooling project’s Learning from Country and Cultural Mentoring strategies.

Cathie has extensive teaching and leadership experience in secondary schools and maintains strong connections with school communities through teacher professional learning and research projects. She is the CNS lead researcher at Alexandria Park Community School.

Cathie’s work in Aboriginal Education/Aboriginal Studies has also been acknowledged through an Honorary Life Membership of the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group and Life Membership of the Aboriginal Studies Association NSW